Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 2, Thing? Learning Habits

Clearly, for me, the most difficult of the Learning Habits is the goal itself! As a person and professional I have COMMITMENT ISSUES! :) I quake at the thought of no turning back, am wrought with paralysis at choosing a direction. It isn't that I don't get there eventually but it isn't always pretty. To clarify, the goal itself is always the most time and energy consuming piece. Once decided, working backward to achieve the goal is a cinch. I occasionally get bogged down in the "what ifs" and have become "stuck" again but most of the time I work through those to continue forward movement to the declared goal.
The easier of the Learning Habits is Accepting Responsibility for my own learning. I feel compelled to at least explore and expose myself to information and experiences. Whether I put these in to practice is a whole other matter! Several times this year alone, I ventured out to different meetings and group sessions in my own school to determine if the topics were something I was interested in, could put to use, or my support might have value for my teachers. Later, I learned my attendance alone entitled me to addenda of which I was utterly unaware!! Accepting Responsibility for my own development paid of handsomely this year in more ways than one!! I was monetarily compensated, I learned of valuable lesson opportunities that could be put to use in the library and my teachers appreciated my presence, input and willingness to attend something they were "required" to participated in.


Katie said...

Welcome to the class! We are hoping that providing the credits for the class will help a little bit with the goal end of things. I know without that carrot at the end it can be very difficult to make it all the way through. Thus, this class!!

Glad to have you online.


Soccer Mom (Kristen A) said...

I agree with Katie about credits. I enjoy learning new things and obtain credits is always a plus. I am sure the teachers at your school appreciate you explaining new things to them after you attend classes. I know I appreciate people showing me new things.