Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 3 #7 Anything Tech

Recent thoughts have ventured to the overwhelming task of information management or archiving. I stink at it!
I have recently asked myself - "What computer was I on when I did that?" Then I have to search around until specific item is located. I have two desk tops at work, one at home and a lap top. I never remember where I did what and sometimes folders with a specific name on one means something different on another. Undertaking a major organization overhaul seems a little daunting. Goodness knows I've endured my share of loss - file loss, that is. It took a few times more than most but at least I learned to back up. My age shows through here but I'm still somewhat insecure without that banker box of files to reassure me of my productivity and place in the world.

I take comparatively few digital photos compared to most I know and I still have trouble organizing them well - folders, names, dates... I admit, my old shoe box method with the prints wasn't always the best either but sorting through those somehow seemed easier than sorting through jpg files for the one I'm looking for. I'm not satisfied with just computer back ups of precious photos so then I need to label, organize and store CD's in a logical manner. That "logical" manner currently consists of a stack sitting on the back of my desk. I'm curious to hear what methods others use to manage and organize digital memories.


Anonymous said...

I feel your angst. As we get newer tech, it becomes harder to transfer files and keep them usable. When we have so many tools to use, it is difficult to keep track. You'd think librarians would have the solution! I don't. If you come up with something, share with the rest of us?
Elaine D.

Katie said...

Well, one of the aspects I love about and iGoogle/Googledocs, Flickr etc. is the fact that they're web based and it doesn't matter which computer you're on, when you sign in anything you've stored there you have access to. Now I don't trust them w/anything terribly important at this point but I sure enjoy having access to them from anywhere. Trust may come w/time.