Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 3 Thing 6 (maybe?)Mash ups,etc.

Can someone, anyone, tell me what I'm supposed to do with Montagr?? I played with it, clicked on different colors, etc. but I don't get what to "DO" with it!!

The flickr magazine cover maker those absolutely cracked me up!! The trading card thing would be a hit as well. I created an entirely inappropriate magazine cover of my friend last summer standing outside a pay only lavatory in Venice, Italy and called it "Happy Euro Traveler's Monthly" - and no, I'm not posting it because she'd be furious! Each fall as a classroom teacher I spent a great deal of time on team building activities and I continue to watch my colleagues do the same. There were a variety of activities, but one inevitably involved an interview and publishing activity amongst classmates. Wouldn't it be fun to complete the interview process and the end product be a magazine or trading card that someone created about you? How would it differ than one you created of yourself? Teacher's are always taking photos at the beginning of the year anyway. What a fun display for the halls.

Magazine covers would have been a fabulous campaign poster for my daughter who ran for a student government office.

Last year I spent time creating READ posters for our entire staff - everyone enjoyed them a great deal. The magazine covers could be a new twist that reveals even more about the staff member and in a fun way. The halls would have an interesting look. Can you tell I love the magazine covers and trading cards? There are a couple of personal family photos I can't wait to get my hands on!

It seems the trading cards could be turned in to study aides if students were able to use pics found on the net. EX. Each group could be assigned a continent, they must download a map and then concentrate critical study information in to the card. Groups exchange or create a card for each of the other groups so everyone has a complete set. Just a knowledge level review tool.

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